If you’ve done the above tip and everything seems safe, absolutely talk to and battle every trainer you see. The gyms and areas do not appear in order, so you may find yourself stumbling into a level 50 area while you’re still level 20! We recommend battling a wild Pokémon to see what the level range is like, as you can just run from the battle if you’re outleveled. Check the wild Pokémon’s levels when you get to a new areaīefore you dive into trainer and gym battles, test the waters around you a bit. You’ll recieve EXP Candy of various sizes from completing midterms and finals in each subject. It’s easy to dash out into Paldea right away, but if you revisit your school and take some classes (by talking to the receptionist at the front desk), you’ll be rewarded. Image: Game Freak, The Pokémon Company/Nintendo via Polygon Take classes at school for easy rewards You access more rewards the more unique Pokémon you catch. You can do this by pressing X while on the Pokédex book screen. Candy or specialized Poké Balls in the Pokédex for doing so. Of course you should try to catch every new Pokémon you see, but as you do, make sure to claim rewards, like Exp. Catch everything (duh) and claim rewards for doing so Of course, you won’t be able to reach every ledge you see - you’ll need to feed your mount some special sandwiches ( with Herba Mystica, obtained from defeating Titan Pokémon) to leap to some of the higher places. If you see items up a cliff, try jumping up to reach them. You capture Koraidon or Miraidon (in Scarlet and Violet respectively) very early on, and the legendary Pokémon offer a huge boon: Unlike previous mainline Pokémon games, you can actually jump up cliffs and ledges with the help of your mount.

Making sure the map always has north at the top helps navigate Paldea a ton - and will also make you less dizzy. Press the R stick to lock the big map, though unfortunately there is no way (that we know of) to lock the minimap. The map in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is absolutely cluttered with icons. Lock your map so it doesn’t rotate by using the right stick Your biggest Pokémon Scarlet and Violet questions, answeredīelow, we list some tips we wish we knew starting out in the game.