Once Nikon makes the necessary function calls available to third party software developers, I expect this program can add the automatic functionality that is already supported for many of the Canon bodies. There is not quite as good support for some of the functions on Nikon bodies, but that is the fault of the lack of support for remote controlling some of the functions of the cameras that Nikon makes available to developers, not any fault of the program itself. I now want to go back and run some of the other statistics and tests (like sharpest aperture) that the Pro version gives you. After seeing how excellent and easy it was to use I upgraded to the Pro version.

I originally had the middle version (that allows for the automatic calibration) but not the Pro version. I have calibrated both my 70-200 f/4 L IS and my 24-105 f/4 L IS with it and I am pleased with the values of MA that it came up with, which was much easier than the original testing I did without the software trying to set my MA adjustment values myself. I bought the system about 2 months ago - and I agree - it is a very cool piece of software and I think it gives accurate repeatable results.